Term of Use – HedgeWiz Pure Risk Management Solutions Ltd.

This website is provided by HedgeWiz Pure Risk Management Solutions Ltd. and its affiliates (“we”, “us” or “HedgeWiz”). Access to and use of this website is governed by the Terms of Use.


General Terms

Any information contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs, and is not an advice to take or avoid taking any action. The information provided is not intended to replace or serve as substitute for any advisory or other professional advice, consultation or service. Before acting on any information on this website, you should consider the appropriateness of it (and any relevant product) in regard to your circumstances. You should also seek independent financial, legal and taxation advice prior to acquiring any security or other financial, credit or lending product.

Your account

As a condition to using our website, you are required to register an account on our website. You may never use another’s account without the account owner’s prior permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. Following the initial registration, we are going to send you a password to the email address provided during the registration. Access to the account is possible only upon entering the account holder’s email, the password and the passcode. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs in your account, and you must keep your account password secure. You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account, by an e-mail to [email protected]. You will be liable for any use made of your account or password and for our or others’ losses due to such unauthorized use. We will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account.

Professional Client

By registering to our website and by using our services, you hereby declare and confirm that you possess the experience, knowledge and expertise to make your own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that you incur, and that you comply with the criteria for a “professional client” set forth in Annex II of Directive  2004/39/EC (the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive – MFID).


All forex dealing involves financial risk, and HedgeWiz and its affiliates assume no liability in the event any person uses or relies upon the information on this website for the purpose of financial risk management. Further, claims of past performance of any product described on this site are not necessarily indicative of future results or performance. This website may contain forward-looking statements, forecasts, estimates and projections.  HedgeWiz does not represent or warrant that such forward statements will be achieved or will prove to be correct. Actual future results and operations could vary materially from them. Neither the information on this website, nor any opinion expressed hereupon, constitutes a solicitation to buy or sell any derivative, futures contract or option. The information on this website may be based on assumptions or market conditions and may change without notice. HedgeWiz accepts no obligation to correct or update the information or opinions on this website.

HedgeWiz makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of the contents of this website, and other than as required under applicable consumer protection law, HedgeWiz accepts no responsibility for errors or misstatements, negligent or otherwise and under no circumstances will HedgeWiz be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by a user’s reliance on information obtained from this website, including from use of tools and calculators.

All use of the website and any content provided through the website are entirely at the user’s own risk. In no event shall HedgeWiz be liable to any person for any indirect, special, punitive, consequential, or incidental loss or damages of any nature arising from the use of the website or any material thereupon, even if HedgeWiz has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Due to the nature of electronic communication processes, HedgeWiz does not guarantee or warrant the use of the website will be uninterrupted, without delay, error-free, omission-free, or free of viruses other harmful components. The information is provided ‘AS IS’ without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including accuracy, timeliness and completeness. In no event shall HedgeWiz, or any of its partners, principals, agents or employees, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, consequential or other damages (including but not limited to, liability for loss of use, data or profits), without regard to the form of any action, including but not limited to, contract, negligence or other tortious actions, arising out of or in connection with the website, any content on or accessed by use of the website, or any copying, display or other use.

Links to Third Party Websites

This website may contain links and references to third party websites, advertisers, services, special offers, or other events or activities or may provide links to accounts you may have with third party service providers that are not owned or controlled by HedgeWiz. HedgeWiz is has no control over those websites, and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, HedgeWiz will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site.

If you access any third party’s website, account, or content from the HedgeWiz website, you do so at your own risk. You expressly release HedgeWiz (and its employees, agents, affiliates, and/or licensors) from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website, information, materials, products, or services. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR THIRD PARTY ACCOUNTS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY YOUR AGREEMENT(S) WITH SUCH THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS. Accordingly, we encourage you to be aware when you have left the HedgeWiz website and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each other website that you visit.

HedgeWiz does participate in affiliate programs. If you decide to access certain third party websites and make use of the information contained on them, and/or enter into any contract for the supply of services from such third party, HedgeWiz may earn money from these programs.

HedgeWiz disclaims any obligation to review or ensure the accuracy or legality of any other website accessible through a link on this website. Such links are provided solely for the user’s convenience. HedgeWiz specifically disclaims any liability (whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise) for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the access to or use of this website. HedgeWiz does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content.

Content and Marks

All content on the website (including any concepts, ideas, methods, procedures, processes, know-how, techniques, programs, publications, models, products templates, technologies, software, designs, art work, graphics and information on or described in the website) may be copyrighted, proprietary and subject to intellectual property or other rights (which rights are owned by HedgeWiz or third parties).

Materials on the website may not be modified, reproduced, publicly displayed, performed, distributed or used for any public or commercial purposes without explicit written permission from the appropriate content or material provider (including third-party links). HedgeWiz bears no risk, responsibility or liability in the event that a user does not obtain such explicit written permission as advised by HedgeWiz.

The HedgeWiz name and logo are trademarks of HedgeWiz; and other product and service names mentioned on the website may be the trademarks of HedgeWiz or their respective affiliates. Use of these marks requires express prior permission from, and a license agreement with HedgeWiz.